Our Features

CV Parsing and Social Media Discovery

When uploading CVs, ZenATS will automatically pull out the candidate’s information for you, such as: Name, email, and phone number. It doesn’t just stop here, ZenATS can also automatically locate the social media accounts of the designated candidate.

Interviews Management and Calendar Integration

You can now enjoy having all of your interviews scheduled and organized through ZenATS by using this feature. Users with the right permissions can send calendar invitations (such as Google, Outlook, or Yahoo) to potential interviewees. You probably wouldn’t need to keep that agenda with you all the time now.

Map Integration

With the help of this feature, you can now ensure that your candidates will never get lost on their way to the interview. Your candidates will now be able to find the exact location of your offices, and navigate to the location using their smartphones.

Emailing System

You will now be able to seamlessly receive and send emails to candidates from within ZenATS, as well as view a status tracker on the sent emails.

SMS Reminders

ZenATS seals the deal with the SMS integration, which will allow you to engage and send reminders to your candidates using the SMS gateway to avoid interview no shows.

Inviting External Users and Recruitment Agencies

You can grant the department managers, hiring managers, or recruitment agencies access to your vacancies with varying permissions. By using this feature, you will allow them to add their input to the candidate in question; where each action is logged and tracked.

ZenATS Forms and Templates

With this feature, you can customize from a wide set of forms and templates. You will be able to fully customize interview feedback forms with any set of dropdowns, text boxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes. All forms can also have a customized scoring mechanism if needed. In addition, you will also be able to fully customize and automate employment offer templates.

Referral System

It is preferable to have your internal employees involved in the recruitment process. ZenATS referral system allows users to refer qualified candidates to any open vacancy in a structured way, while being able to accurately track and reward your best channels.

User Permission Settings

Each user/recruiter will be able to access his/her account through a unique username and password. Each account can be granted different permissions by the admin depending on the specific needs of the user/recruiter in question.

Reporting and Analytics System

You will have access to a detailed reporting system to view all information related to your job openings and applicants.

Tag Users

Ping certain users and assign different tasks by tagging the user ID on the system.